Submit Money Claim Online

We are not the court and we do not represent you.

We support you as a "Litigant in Person" with your pre-court obligations and then with the entire daunting process of preparing and making your claim with the county court through to post judgment enforcement, learn more...

Stage 1 - claim checker

the claim checker service gives advice on the merits of the claim and chances of success detailing the cause of action and highlighting where any further evidence would be of benefit

what we charge


Stage 2 - pre-court, filing your claim and obtaining undefended judgment

every pre-action® ADR® claim is reviewed before it is actioned on your behalf, the intention is to engage the other party and achieve settlement so avoiding proceedings if at all possible, if court is unavoidable, support filing your claim and obtaining undefended judgment

court track small claims track
claim does not exceed £10,000
fast track
claim does not exceed £25,000
multi track
claim exceeds £25,000

what we charge




Stage 3 - reply to defence through to post judgment enforcement

reply to defence / counterclaim, directions questionnaire, disclosure form, proposed directions, applications, court bundle, hearing preparation and post judgment enforcement

court track small claims track
claim does not exceed £10,000
fast track
claim does not exceed £25,000
multi track
claim exceeds £25,000

what we charge




* fees do not include any statutory court fees
** stage 2 and 3 are only available following completion of stage 1

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